shabat before rosh hashana

Saturday afternoon, today we had the first rain. the beginning of autumn. 27 celsius. still hot at daytime, but getting chilly at evening.

I’m writing to you, because I can’t speak to you like I wish I could…

I’m seating at a coffee shop, looking at Alon – your brother, sleeping peacefully in his trolly. his mother and his sister walking around in a shopping center, with a friend of maya and her mother, and us – me and Alon, “the boys”, escaping the ×´shopping experience”.

I’m looking at Alon, and remember the days I was walking around with you in our neighborhood in tel aviv, when you were a baby, while your mother was working on her afternoon shift.

I believe that if you were here with us today, you would have find yourself choosing to join your sister Maya and the other girls.

on Wednesday we will celebrate rosh hashana, I hope you will answer the phone and I will be able to talk to you.

Alon woke up and I have to finish,

miss you,
